
- ミッション・ビジョン・バリューの実現に貢献するため
今回の取り組みにおいても、性的マイノリティの方々にとってLTSが4枚目の葉として三つ葉を変化させたいという思いを持って活動しています。- グローバル企業へと成長する上での土壌を築くため
多くのグローバル企業が解決を目指している世界共通の課題に対して取り組むことによって、今後LTSがグローバル企業へ成長していくための基盤づくりに貢献できると考えています。- 関西圏での地域のつながりを構築するため
- 男女平等と性的マイノリティをテーマにした研修の全社展開
大阪市での認証の取得を目下の目標としてきたため、関西事業部にて研修を実施しましたが、関西事業部に閉じず、全社的にインクルージョン研修を展開することで、理解促進に寄与したいと考えています。 - ジェンダーや多様性に関する勉強会の継続的な実施
今回はLGBTに焦点を当てていましたが、より広くジェンダーや多様性についても理解を深めるために、勉強会を実施し、今後社内で行っていく取り組みについても検討していきたいと思っています。 - 当事者との交流・意見交換
多様性の理解を深める上で、マイノリティの方が感じている困難をよりリアルに理解することが活動を進めていく上で不可欠だと感じています。そうすることで、想いに寄り添った取り組みを行っていくことにつながると考えています。 - 関連スタートアップとの協業
- 商品や名刺等に「大阪市LGBTリーディングカンパニー認証」を表示すること
- 大阪市による取り組み内容に関する情報を発信すること
- 大阪市が行う、求職者への就職支援事業において求職者に取り組み内容に関する情報を提供すること
LTS Kansai Dep has received the two-star certification in the “Osaka City LGBT Leading Company.”
(Written by Miho Nakamura @LTS Kansai Dep.)
On March 15th, LTS Kansai Dep. has received the two-star certification (★★) in the “Osaka City LGBT Leading Company” certification system.
Information of the certificated companies is available as mentioned below.
Osaka City:https://www.city.osaka.lg.jp/shimin/page/0000530550.htmlThis blog reports why LTS should be LGBT-friendly and what has been introduced in LTS.
Why LTS should be LGBT-friendly
■Making workplace where various people can work vividly
This acquisition of the certification is the first step to encourage diversity in LTS, especially from the perspective of gender and sexuality.We LTS, have a company mission, we create human society free and vivid, consider the importance of diversity and inclusion (D&I) which means various people can release the possibilities by respecting individual creativity and personality.
For the sake of company-wide diversity activities, first we started with “gender and sexuality.”
There are three main purposes of this qualification.
- To realize Mission/ Vision/ Value
It is important not only for majority but for minority to be a “forth leaf” of a clover※.
As a first step, we meet the standards of the certification in the “Osaka City LGBT Leading Company.”※Clover
Clover as our logotype stands for; LTS, as a leaf, will unite with customers, as a three-leaf clover, to bring qualitative change which make three-leaf clover to four-leaf clover.
In this activity, we can be the fourth leaf to who are sexual minorities.- To build a foundation to be a global company
The initiatives to be LGBT-friendly in Japan is developing slower compared to other countries in OECD, as Japan ranked the second-worst place regarding legal systems.
As a future global company, it is meaningful to take action in order to solve the world-wide issue that many companies engage.- To make a connection in Kansai area
For Kansai Dep, the contribution to Kansai area and the base of diversity help to strengthen the connection with domestic and overseas players.What has been introduced in LTS
■Prohibit the discriminations
In the rules of employment, it is forbidden to discriminate and harass someone in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity.
LGBTQ people feel unsafe and uncomfortable when they often hear discriminatory comments in the workplace. That makes them difficult to come out even if they are willing to.■Establish the consultation counter
“Counseling cafe in workplace” is available for the people who have any problems including SOGI things.■Conduct an employee training about D&I
A training program was conducted in Kansai Dep, regarding gender equality and LGBTQ+.
It provided opportunities not only to learn an extensive knowledge but to discuss with other members.
(Excerpts from the training)After the training, some members are motivated to understand more through a direct dialogue with LGBTQ.
■Provide an option of “Other” in the application form for candidates
When candidates choose sexuality in the application form, they have an option to select “other” in our system.For sexual minorities, particularly transgender people, it is not comfortable to choose either “male” nor “female”.
Future Initiatives
As mentioned before, the acquisition of this certification is merely the first step of D&I.
What more important is to make continuous efforts to play a role of a leading company in gender and sexuality issues.Our next step is to make all staff understand more about D&I through the initiatives below.
- Provide the training program to all LTS group
- Hold study sessions focusing on gender and other D&I topics
- Exchange opinions with LGBTQ people
- Collaborate with D&I related start-up companies
We are now trying to solve D&I issues to become a “forth leaf” of a clover, so that we can make free and vivid society.
Please look forward to the next action.
- To build a foundation to be a global company
- グローバル企業へと成長する上での土壌を築くため